MODELER: Dan Leong MODEL TITLE: A.O.Z RX-124 GUNDAM TR6 [Wondwart] MODIFICATION TYPE: scratch built parts, custom details, diorama, custom panel line, custom decals, LED installation KIT USED: 1/144 A.O.Z RX-124 GUNDAM TR6 [Wondwart] resin, HGBC 1/144 Ballden Arm Arms Wonderful modified kit with Diorama. We have one similar products on sale. Please visit 1/100 A.O.Z RX-124 GUNDAM TR6 [Wondwart]
【Pre-Order】 DRAGON MOMOKO MG 1/100 ZGMF-X12D GUNDAM ASTRAY OUT FRAME D can now pre-order @ GKgundamkit. It will release in AUG 2017. Buy NOW USD 25.52 @ DRAGON MOMOKO MG 1/100 GUNDAM ASTRAY OUT FRAME
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Dragon Momoko will have new item release which is MG 1/100 Gundam Astray Out Frame. Here we show details of this item and we would soon available for pre-order. Keep watching our news!!
Here we show 3 different color scheme for 1/100 GUNDAM BARBATOS DRAGON KING RESIN CONVERSION KIT. These 3 variance kind is now popular in the Internet among Gundam society. Want more product details, please visit our store.